African and North American Diorama Halls

Breathtakingly realistic scenes of wild animals in their habitats.

Mammals of North America dioramas

General Info

Free with Museum Admission
Free for Members

Our famous dioramas, found across three large galleries on two floors, provide dozens of windows into the hidden world of wildlife. Immerse yourself in the sweaty jungles of Tanzania or the frozen tundra of the Arctic while staring gorillas and grizzly bears in the eye. Even though our Diorama Halls are over 90 years old, there is always something new to discover. Our team of skilled artists adds new specimens every year, accurately re-creating natural habitats in painstaking detail from the smallest blade of grass to the largest elephant.

An interpreter speaks about a mammal diorama

Get the story behind the habitats.

Up close photo of a taxidermy lioness, seated

An alert lioness lies in wait.

Couple in front of a diorama

Get transported to a new place.

Moose diorama

Moose forage for food.

Person taking a picture of sable antelope diorama

Enjoy the beauty of the regal sable antelope.

The African elephant diorama

See the commotion around an African watering hole.

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Get the story behind the habitats.

An alert lioness lies in wait.

Get transported to a new place.

Moose forage for food.

Enjoy the beauty of the regal sable antelope.

See the commotion around an African watering hole.

While exploring, you'll:

  • Study many habitats and species that are quickly disappearing.
  • Spot which predator is sneaking up on the unsuspecting herd of bison.
  • Peacefully contemplate the beauty and splendor of our natural world.

Watch the Art and Science of Dioramas from the Getty Museum's Becoming Artsy series below