Age of Mammals

An epic evolutionary story spanning 65 million years.

Three people look at mastodon skeleton in Age of Mammals

Experience the era of mammals as they evolve through drastically changing climates and shifting continents in the airy, light-filled, two story Ahmanson Hall. Interactive kiosks and hundreds of specimens illustrate mammals’ amazing adaptations–from the horse’s single toe to the tiger’s famous stripes.

Fossil bat

Find out whether this 48 million year old bat could echolocate.

A little girl looks at a tiger

See the rare Sumatran tiger.

Students looking at hanging fossil in Age of Mammals

Allodesmus gracilis swam through California 15 million years ago when Los Angeles was covered with water.

Taxidermy zebra on display at a museum

Count the stripes on this plains zebra.

Shasta ground sloth fossil in Age of Mammals

Learn more about the biology of our native Shasta ground sloth.

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Find out whether this 48 million year old bat could echolocate.

See the rare Sumatran tiger.

Allodesmus gracilis swam through California 15 million years ago when Los Angeles was covered with water.

Count the stripes on this plains zebra.

Learn more about the biology of our native Shasta ground sloth.

While you browse, you'll:

  • Identify mystery fossils and chisel them out of the rock with our interactive kiosks.
  • Stand as tall as you can to measure up to a grizzly bear.
  • Learn how Southern California went from swamp to sea to scrub in 40 million years, and what this meant for the mammals that lived here.