Voices of L.A. Nature: Interview with Helen Leung
Welcome to our new series, Voices of L.A. Nature, where we'll hear stories from a diverse range of Angelenos about their relationships with nature in L.A.
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Spiders in the House
Awe-inspiring or awfully scary? NHM’s arachnid educators are standing by in our seasonal exhibit, the Spider Pavilion, ready to unspool the truths about these web spinners with tangled reputations.
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Valley Bugs and City Lizards
From the San Gabriel Mountains to the beaches, L.A. is home to plants and animals, some of which are found nowhere else on Earth.
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Meet Dr. Slime
Dr. Jann Vendetti, NHM's Associate Curator of Malacology, has a soft spot for the tiny and slimy .
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The Accidental Community Science of Security Cameras
How security cameras help document wildlife in backyards.
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Coyotes of L.A.’s Urban Core: Using Science to Separate Fact from Fiction
The Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area formally announced this week that they launched the first study on urban coyotes of Los Angeles.  
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The Scoop on Ferndell: Griffith Park's Enchanted "Nature Museum"
At the border of the Hollywood Hills and Los Feliz neighborhoods is an enchanting, tree-shaded half-mile trail of Griffith Park.
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California Showers Bring Salamanders: Please Help us Find Them
Join us in some community science research to help us study salamanders across the L.A. area!
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Look who didn't get stuck at La Brea Tar Pits
When colleagues at La Brea Tar Pits contacted me, seemingly out of the blue, to request my help with camera trap monitoring in one of their excavation sites, I was already eager to pay them a visit.
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Nature Gardens Rain Catchers
Angelenos have been switching out lawns for alternative turf, and visiting NHM to soak up conservation tips for their gardens and neighborhoods.
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