Climate Change Theatre Action L.A.: At the Intersection

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Climate Change Theatre Action (CCTA) is a global action that takes place every two years to coincide with the UN’s International Conference on Climate Change, which will take place this year in Santiago, Chile. “CCTA L.A.: At the Intersection” will feature short plays, monologues, music, puppetry, and spoken word exploring the effects of climate change on Los Angeles communities.
“At the Intersection” uses theatre to start a conversation about the impact of climate change on Los Angeles neighborhoods, especially low-income communities of color that often don’t have the political clout or resources to fight back against policies that may have a negative impact on air quality, the availability of water, and how land gets used (and misused) in our city.
Live performances at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County will inspire audiences to take action and participate in the global discussion on climate change.
Presented by USC Visions and Voices: The Arts and Humanities Initiative. Organized by Paula Cizmar (Dramatic Arts). Directed by Giovanni Ortega. Co-sponsored by the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, the Bedrosian Center at the USC Price School of Public Policy, the Institute for Theatre and Social Change at the USC School of Dramatic Arts, the Program for Environmental and Regional Equity, and the USC School of Dramatic Arts.