Field Trips
Inspire wonder, discovery, and responsibility for our natural and cultural worlds with a field trip to the Natural History Museum!
Visit the Natural History Museum on a field trip! Explore our exhibit halls, get up-close-and-personal with specimens and artifacts, and experience our museums with your students. Self-guided field trips to the Natural History Museum are free for California Pre K–12 public or private school groups. See below for information on how to book your visit!
Please note: Due to construction for the future NHM Commons, the South Entrance of the Museum is closed. Students and teachers will be redirected to enter at the East Gate Entrance (located off of the Rotunda across from the Rose Garden). Please see our Field Trip Parking and Bus Drop-Off map for specific directions.
Starting November 18 the South Entrance and NHM commons will be open to the public and field trip visitors! Field trips booked from this date forward will be directed to check in and enter the museum through the South Entrance.