Meet the Scientist: Abalone 101
Learn about the story of abalone with our Collections Manager of Malacology, Lindsey T. Groves!
Meet the Scientist: Abalone 101
Learn about the story of abalone with our Collections Manager of Malacology, Lindsey T. Groves! The abalone is perhaps the most iconic marine mollusk of California and, in particular, the Red Abalone is the best known species. Unfortunately, several California species are in danger of becoming extinct as they have been overfished for human consumption and have been adversely affected by parasites. However, there is hope for the future as all species have received protection status and will be able to make a comeback. "Abalone 101" will (hopefully) answer all of your abalone questions!
In this weekly webinar program, we hear from one of our Research & Collections staff and participate in a Q&A about their career path through science during this live, virtual presentation! Recommended for Grades 6 - 12. Register your class for a future live programs here.