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Encounter Our Mighty Friendly Dino

Meet Hunter, our large-scale T. rex puppet.

Hunter the T. rex puppet outside in Exposition Park's Rose Garden

Through science, education, and artistry, NHM’s paleontologists and puppeteers bring Hunter, the large-scale T. rex puppet, alive for visitors to experience how these animals lived millions of years ago.

NHM’s team of talented performing artists shares with audiences surprising facts about dinosaur anatomy, possible behavior, and movement. Get up close to Hunter during Dinosaur Encounters shows and you’ll notice his proto-feathers! Dinosaurs and birds share a common ancestor, and scientists believe that a juvenile T. rex may have had downy feathers to keep warm. 

See the calendar for Dinosaur Encounters showtimes and to watch behind-the-scenes interviews with our puppeteers.

Hunter the T. Rex plushie outdoors

Take Home Hunter the T. rex!

Every week, visitors to NHM are spellbound by Dinosaur Encounters, 20-minute performances in which a realistic, large-scale T. rex puppet, nicknamed Hunter, whisks them back to a time when the apex predator walked Earth.  

This Summer, visitors can bring home a new, one-of-a-kind plushie that highlights the life-size puppet’s distinctly adorable features —  feathers, sculpted claws, and piercing eyes.

Available now at NHM’s Museum Store.

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