Discover the Biodiversity in Your Neighborhood
There's a world of biodiversity right outside your door. If you've watched NHM Gallery Interpreter Justin Ramos in the video above, check out this Nature Hunt Checklist for an idea of what you might find. Once you have permission from your parents or guardians, follow the steps below to start your adventure.

You're sure to find plants and animals calling your neighborhood home or just passing through. It's important to do your best not to bother any animals you find: use your eyes, ears and camera, but not your hands.
Here are just some of the things you might find:

A golden silk spider

A monarch butterfly

House finches

A California poppy

Emily Hartop

Charles Hood
A western fence lizard
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A golden silk spider
A monarch butterfly
House finches
A California poppy
Emily Hartop
A western fence lizard
Charles Hood
You never know what you might find outside, so be sure to share your findings on iNaturalist and help scientists get a better picture of your world.