BE ADVISED: On Saturday 9/7, the Los Angeles Coliseum will host the USC vs. Utah football game. Kickoff is at 8:00pm. This event will impact traffic, parking, and wayfinding in the area due to street closures. Please consider riding the Metro E (Expo) Line and exiting at USC/Expo station.

Street Names of Los Angeles

You may ride, drive, bike, run and walk your L.A. streets, but do you know the history behind L.A. street names?

Aerial view of buildings with hand-written names over the streets

The Street Names of Los Angeles: A History is a series of videos presented by the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, featuring historic photographs and documents from the Seaver Center for Western History Research. Listen to an explanation of the layers of history of El Pueblo de la Reina de Los Angeles since its founding in 1781, and set your eyes on a visual feast of museum images. Your new understanding of the city will match your abilities to navigate your daily courses to work, school, play, and even museum-going! Discover more information about the Seaver Center for Western History Research.