Mammoth on Display
Our most complete mammoth, nicknamed “Zed” is almost ready to return to the limelight!
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Students Side-by-Side With Scientists
In our labs and collections rooms and out in the field, a rotating stream of exceptional students are part of an engine of discovery.
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Your Big Antarctic Dinosaurs Takeaways
After adventuring from the world as it was—Pangaea to a life-size re-creation of Cryolophosaurus, we caught up with some of the museum’s explorers to ask them about their expedition experience.
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Was Hancock Park Beachfront Property 120,000 Years Ago?
Pacific Gaper Clam: A large, common bivalve that inhabits sandy areas of bays along an open coast, often buried a foot or more.
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Oldest Fossils by Far
Stromatolites and trilobites
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Our Rich Digs
More than a decade of rich digs at Project 23
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Meet Our Polar Explorer
Dr. Nathan Smith, Associate Curator of NHM’s Dinosaur Institute, is an experienced Antarctic fossil hunter.
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Fossil Hunters in the Classroom
This year, almost 700 students at six schools in L.A. have participated in microfossil sorting.
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The Proof Is in the Pooping
Fossilized feces help confirm the diet of extinct “bone-crushing” dogs
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