Fire is a hot-button issue. Regan Dunn, Interim Assistant Deputy Director and Assistant Curator at La Brea Tar Pits, looks at the pervasive planetary issue with a long-term lens.
A sweeping new study by over 80 scientists including NHM researcher Vijay Barve identifies that butterflies originated in North or Central America 100 million years ago.
A contingent of 8 to 18-year-olds spent three inspirational days at NHM learning from experts about fossils, mammals, and oceans, and discovering the many stepping stones to careers in science, technology, engineering and math.
Mulch and drip irrigation keep our Edible Gardens bountiful without wasting water. Learn more about the tastiest part of NHM's Nature Gardens in the video below.
The Museum's manager of horticulture, Daniel Feldman, has tips on how you can create a rainbow of super blooms in your garden this spring without guzzling too much water.