The Great Shark Hunt
A community effort to uncover ancient L.A.
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A Fishy Query
Why does this supersized shark’s mouth glow in the dark?
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A Rare Deep Sea Gem Arrives at NHM
A Pacific footballfish, a type of anglerfish that typically lives thousands of feet underwater, and that washed ashore at the beach, is now part of our Ichthyology Collection.
Fishes Across America: Last Stop, Roanoke
Say hello to a Hog Sucker (and a couple Darters)
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Fishes Across America: Kentucky Is for Darters
Two darter fish, one Bluegrass State
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Walruses: On the Tusk of Greatness
With the discovery of the oldest tusked walrus yet, NHM scientists are getting to the root of the walrus’ long tooth.
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Fishes Across America: Shoshone, Idaho
A different Shoshone, a different sucker:  Catostomus columbianus, the bridgelip sucker
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Fishes Across America: Next Stop? Lake Tahoe, California
Explore the biodiversity of freshwater fishes across the U.S.
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