
Welcome to Stories, a place to explore—and be inspired by—the wonder of our natural and cultural worlds.

Digitized Mammals
How the new digitization project Ranges is unlocking the potential of NHM's Mammalogy Collection
Collections Staff Help Ammonites Come Out of Their Shells
Uncovering how digitization and collections management made a groundbreaking extinction study come to life
A New Landscape
The Community Plaza of NHM Commons is a gathering place that has been imagined with pride and purpose. 
Collective Knowledge from Our Changing World
From evolutionary history to our conservation future, explore the power and majesty of museum collections through the lens of famed NatGeo photographer Craig Cutler
Dino Fest Discussion
Gnatalie the Green Dinosaur: From Ground to Mount
Dino Fest Discussion
Jurassic Giants: The Largest Organisms on the Morrison Formation Floodplain and the Sauropods That Ate Them
Meet LA's Gnewest Star: Gnatalie the Green Dino
NHM Commons—the Museum’s new wing and community hub—will welcome visitors this fall with, among other wonders, the newest and biggest fossil Angeleno: Gnatalie.
New Exhibit | Wolves: Photography by Ronan Donovan
Ronan Donovan, a National Geographic Explorer and photographer, has examined the relationship between wild wolves and humans in order to better understand the animals, our shared history, and what drives the persistent human-wolf conflict.
Mark Dion Talks Excavations
Mark Dion discusses his immersive, uncanny installation at La Brea Tar Pits.
Year of the Snake
Celebrate the 2025 Lunar New Year, Year of the Snake, with highlights from the collection