
Welcome to Stories, a place to explore—and be inspired by—the wonder of our natural and cultural worlds.

Science of SpongeBob: Scientific Names
How do scientists come up with those unique names?
Sir Lady Java
History and Legacy of a Trans Rights Hero
The Anglerfish Artist
Dwight Hwang, an expert at the traditional Japanese printing technique called gyotaku, was invited to the museum recently to perform a marriage of art and science
At the Feet of Mammoths
Meet some of the Ice Age minifauna still making their home in L.A.
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Sample Tar Pits' Paleo Diets
Gnawing questions answered with fossilized teeth
A Rare Deep Sea Gem Arrives at NHM
A Pacific footballfish, a type of anglerfish that typically lives thousands of feet underwater, and that washed ashore at the beach, is now part of our Ichthyology Collection.
What About Gay Bob?
The First Openly Gay Doll (for everyone) Was a Trailblazer Toy
Fake It 'Til You Make It
How tropical tanagers cheat their way to flashier feathers and hopefully more mates
Lisa's Story: Bug Affair
How an insect enthusiast and museum fan became a queen bee of Bug Fair