
Welcome to Stories, a place to explore—and be inspired by—the wonder of our natural and cultural worlds.

Science in a Half-Shell: Dissecting Turtles at Home
NHM researchers dig for plastic in freshwater turtles
Dig Deeper Into Pterosaurs' Evolutionary Flight Path
NHM paleontologists take a big step in solving the mystery of pterosaurs' natural history
Three Horned Larks, Two Spotted Doves and a Seasonal Community Science Tradition
The history and value of North America’s longest running community science project: the Christmas Bird Count
Walruses: On the Tusk of Greatness
With the discovery of the oldest tusked walrus yet, NHM scientists are getting to the root of the walrus’ long tooth.
Time Machine Window: A Look Back at Ice Age Los Angeles
Take a look at Los Angeles through Ice Age lenses
Discovering Gold: Exploring the California Gold Rush
Uncover the history of California's Gold Rush through NHM's Gem and Mineral Hall
Fishes Across America: Shoshone, Idaho
A different Shoshone, a different sucker:  Catostomus columbianus, the bridgelip sucker
Celebrating Native American Communities
Celebrating the rich and thriving Native American and Indigenous communities in L.A.
The Filipino Salakot
Filipino history told through the cultural costume