
Welcome to Stories, a place to explore—and be inspired by—the wonder of our natural and cultural worlds.

Valley Bugs and City Lizards
From the San Gabriel Mountains to the beaches, L.A. is home to plants and animals, some of which are found nowhere else on Earth.
Hot Rocks and Natural Beauties
Dr. Anthony Kampf, the museum’s Curator Emeritus of Mineral Sciences, says his work with minerals like Benitoite can sometimes seem like an episode of the TV show CSI.
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L.A. Reimagined
Becoming Los Angeles tells the story of how Los Angeles transformed from a tiny pueblo to a sprawling metropolis. 
Owl About Odin
He may only weigh about a third of a pound, but this Museum resident packs a big personality punch.
Students Name a Puma
As if working with Ice Age fossils at the La Brea Tar Pits wasn’t cool enough, the job comes with one pretty unforgettable perk.
Meet Dr. Slime
Dr. Jann Vendetti, NHM's Associate Curator of Malacology, has a soft spot for the tiny and slimy .
Dinosaurs in the Desert
A crew heads to the Badlands of Utah and New Mexico and return with (literally) tons of fossil treasure, plus a few big surprises.
His Mansion for a Horse
Swing by the Cowboy Festival and a special open house Saturday, April 21, and Sunday, April 22
Dinosaurs in China
NHM Scientists Seek Out Birds From the East
Oceans Online
Digitization of collections unlocks climate clues.