Crafting with Care: A Path to Sustainable Chocolate
Mac Daniel Dimla | Providence
NHM Online Presents ChocoLAte: From Beans to Bliss, a video series celebrating the diversity of Los Angeles and its people through the lens of chocolate.
Where desserts are concerned, chocolate is unparalleled in its dynamism. A box of chocolates is just as apt to be presented on a first date, as it is to be devoured after the last. It can be offered in celebration or sympathy, in congratulations or condolence. Equally as dynamic is the city of Los Angeles, one of the world’s most diverse repositories for culture and cuisine. ChocoLAte: From Beans to Bliss seeks to inspire, captivate, and tap into the deep-rooted love for chocolate that flows through the veins of this vibrant city.
Los Angeles, a haven for desserts and their creators, offers a sweet escape into a world of indulgence. Dive into the links below to discover more, and follow us on social media for insights into the incredible people and businesses that unite communities through the magic of sweets. Have a favorite spot? We'd love to hear from you! If there's another L.A. chocolatier spreading love through their creations, join the conversation on social media and tag us @NHMLA with #chocolateinLA.
We will be sharing stories of chocolate, community, and connection all year. Below is a glimpse of our final feature of the series!